Georgia Lowry has a Dream!
Our young ambassador, Georgia Lowry, came up with an exciting new idea to raise funds for child cancer research. As part of the ‘Million Dollar Project’, Georgia has a dream to travel all around Australia in a small van to speak and raise $1 million to fund a Young Scientist Fellowship Program with the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation (Inc.) (CLCRF).
The Young Scientist Fellowship Program aims to seek out young scientific fellows on an international level, who would be interested in working in the CLCRF Lab in the Telethon Kids Institute. They will be mentored in their research career into child cancer. This fellowship will advance the legacy of research that Professor Ursula Kees and Dr Michael Willoughby set into place, moving the team closer to finding a cure and better treatment protocols for children.
To ‘fuel’ her dream, she needs the following things in place:
- Firstly, she needs a small kombi van. So, if you or you know someone who is willing to donate a van in safe working condition, get in touch with the Foundation.
- She will require a mechanic to help her fix the fan so it will travel around the country safely.
- It needs to be fitted out with comfortable facilities and a bed so that she can live in it. So, let us know if you can help with this.
- Someone who is willing to spray paint or graphic wrap the van with the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation Inc. logo.
- Donations to help pay for her fuel and food.
With all these things in place, Georgia will then be able to travel around Australia and raise a million dollars for the project! Will you help her?
If you can help Georgia in any way, please give CLCRF a call on (08) 9363 7400 or email [email protected].